There are more variables at stake in sales than just your company, your products and your prices. Many of these variables are actually essential to success, but vastly unappreciated by most sales teams. Here are the five essentials that will help you close more deals than ever before.

1. Hard work

Hard work is key to success in sales. Not just showing up at work, but being willing to outwork your competition. That means working hard on really understanding the product that you are selling, and working hard at getting to know your clients. If you are prepared to give your work your full focus and attention, you will see results.

2. Study to improve

Statistics suggest that if you read even one sales book, you will have studied more about your line of work than most of your competitors. Furthermore, you can make yourself stand out as an industry expert and trusted advisor by keeping up with current information on prospective clients.

3. Be persistent

Persistence can sometimes be the key to getting your foot in the door with a prospective client. If you are disciplined, varied and sensitive about your approach, over time, a prospective client is likely to give you the opportunity to pitch to them.

4. Communicate (in the right way)

Many people believe that email alone is an effective medium of communication, which is a big mistake. Face-to-face meetings or video conferences are much more powerful mediums of communication, as the prospective client can get a better sense of whether they want to build a business relationship with you.

5. Have the right backing

If you are not in a decision-making position, make sure that you have the backing of someone who can go forward with decisions before lining up the deal with the prospective client. Nothing is more likely to derail a deal than having to stall, while you try to get hold of someone who can actually give the go ahead.

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